What is EFT?
E.F.T. or the Emotional Freedom Technique is a new development in therapy which can bring rapid and lasting relief for every kind of emotional problem. It has been described as being like acupressure for the emotions. It does not involve hypnotism and brings results much more rapidly than counselling. It also frequently helps physical problems as these are closely linked to the emotions. EFT can sometimes bring change in minutes!
The technique consists mainly of tapping on particular acupressure points while the client focuses on their feelings, or emotions. It has been carefully developed from a combination of acupressure, applied kinesiology and neuro-linguistic programming, and refined to make it fast and effective.
E.F.T. has been used with great success for everything from everyday irritations to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Gary Craig, who developed the method, tested it on Vietnam War veterans suffering from PTSD before he made the method generally available. Painful memories do not have to be re-lived, but are relieved often only in minutes. The client is fully aware of the process as they would be in counselling, and will gain insight into the reasons for their problem at the same time as it is removed.
The results are usually permanent and E.F.T. is suitable for all ages.
E.F.T. can be particularly useful to aid WEIGHT LOSS and STOPPING SMOKING.
E.F.T. can be taught easily for self-help in day-to-day situations but with the help of a qualified therapist it is possible to deal effectively with conditions that have lasted for many years.
The technique consists mainly of tapping on particular acupressure points while the client focuses on their feelings, or emotions. It has been carefully developed from a combination of acupressure, applied kinesiology and neuro-linguistic programming, and refined to make it fast and effective.
E.F.T. has been used with great success for everything from everyday irritations to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Gary Craig, who developed the method, tested it on Vietnam War veterans suffering from PTSD before he made the method generally available. Painful memories do not have to be re-lived, but are relieved often only in minutes. The client is fully aware of the process as they would be in counselling, and will gain insight into the reasons for their problem at the same time as it is removed.
The results are usually permanent and E.F.T. is suitable for all ages.
E.F.T. can be particularly useful to aid WEIGHT LOSS and STOPPING SMOKING.
E.F.T. can be taught easily for self-help in day-to-day situations but with the help of a qualified therapist it is possible to deal effectively with conditions that have lasted for many years.
Who is it suitable for?
E.F.T. can be adapted for use for everyone, whatever their age or condition.
How does it work?
Gary Craig, the founder of the E.F.T. technique: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." We feel this for example if we are given bad news; we may go weak at the knees, or even faint. The memory of severe or prolonged disruption is held in our body so that every time anything similar to the original event occurs, we feel that same reaction, even if we know it is no longer appropriate. For instance, perhaps we were once humiliated in front of a class at school and now fear making presentations at work in case it happens again. The Emotional Freedom Technique removes these disruptions and so removes the outworn emotions, beliefs and pain that hold us back, leaving us free to create the life we choose for ourselves
What happens in a session?
The client is seated on a chair for the treatment. They are asked to focus on the source of their distress while a series of acupressure points is tapped,either by the practitioner or the client themselves. Simultaneously the client repeats a reminder phrase to keep them focused. They will normally feel that emotion clear away, and if there is any underlying emotion it will then surface to be dealt with similarly. The process continues until the client reaches a point where they feel relaxed and relieved.
And after that?
Positive change is always expected in the first session and it is unusual for a client to need a prolonged period of treatment but at least one follow-up appointment is always recommended. With time, even with relatively straight forward problems, different aspects may arise, and it is much more beneficial to get rid of these with E.F.T. than bury them and store up further problems for the future.
After the first session the client will be able to start using E.F.T. to help themselves but working with a therapist is always more effective, and if necessary this can be done over the telephone or on Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp.
After the first session the client will be able to start using E.F.T. to help themselves but working with a therapist is always more effective, and if necessary this can be done over the telephone or on Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp.
E.F.T. at work
The technique is an invaluable tool in the work-place. Learnt for self-help it can be used to defuse any stressful situation, but more importantly, for serious or long-term problems of stress, confidence or even the results of traumatic experiences, can really make a big difference, and quickly, because E.F.T. is much more than just counseling.
EFT could set you free!
Testimonial |
"Your friendly, professional manner put me at ease and the EFT procedure was truly remarkable...the family issue that was causing me stress and anger disappeared as if by magic. The treatment you prescribed seem to be working well and I generally feel much healthier and fitter." Peter
E.F.T. for Weight Loss
One of the most practical everyday uses of the Emotional Freedom Technique is as an aide to losing weight.
The tapping routine can be learnt easily to combat cravings, for example. When you are tempted to raid the cupboards for chocolate, crisps or other fattening snacks a quick session of tapping can often be enough to remove the longing. There are even discrete ways of using the technique when you are in company, so that you are able to resist the extra helpings and fattening foods which will wreck your slimming plan.
The tapping routine can be learnt easily to combat cravings, for example. When you are tempted to raid the cupboards for chocolate, crisps or other fattening snacks a quick session of tapping can often be enough to remove the longing. There are even discrete ways of using the technique when you are in company, so that you are able to resist the extra helpings and fattening foods which will wreck your slimming plan.
Very often though, this is not enough. Many people have gained a lot of weight at a certain period in their lives and despite their best efforts are not able to lose the weight and keep it off permanently. It is suggested that if our body is holding onto weight, it is holding onto emotion, and in my experience this has proved to be true.
We over-eat for a reason - usually due to uncomfortable emotions we are trying to forget. By using the Emotional Freedom Technique we can discover what these are and rapidly neutralise, or heal them.
We over-eat for a reason - usually due to uncomfortable emotions we are trying to forget. By using the Emotional Freedom Technique we can discover what these are and rapidly neutralise, or heal them.
Case 1: A. had been at her slimmest after the painful collapse of her marriage, but in the following years had become seriously over-weight. In her first E.F.T. session we quickly discovered that actually the most painful event affecting her was the death of her father. Her grief was still raw twelve years later. We were able to address this with E.F.T. and a homeopathic remedy, after which A. lost seven pounds in the next two weeks without even trying.
In our next session it came to light that her particular "dietary downfall" was potatoes. Was it a coincidence that her father had worked for a potato marketing company and was able to bring home plentiful supplies of potatoes for the family? Perhaps to A. they had become a symbol of the love she missed from her father! Once she realised this she was able to cut down on her potato consumption without feeling deprived. Suddenly she had the enthusiasm to join a slimming club and stick to it. She lost 5 stone in just over eighteen months, and looks fantastic!
In our next session it came to light that her particular "dietary downfall" was potatoes. Was it a coincidence that her father had worked for a potato marketing company and was able to bring home plentiful supplies of potatoes for the family? Perhaps to A. they had become a symbol of the love she missed from her father! Once she realised this she was able to cut down on her potato consumption without feeling deprived. Suddenly she had the enthusiasm to join a slimming club and stick to it. She lost 5 stone in just over eighteen months, and looks fantastic!
Case 2: G. was a "yo-yo dieter" able to lose two or three stone with no trouble but always only a few weeks after reaching her target weight she would start to pile it back on.
We started by discussing her feelings about her weight, and about herself when she was slim, what made her feel good or bad and using E.F.T. on all the negative emotions that arose. Before long it came to light that whenever she became slim and started wearing the fashionable clothes she loved, her husband would become unbearably jealous and so she would give up and start to over-eat again.
Using E.F.T. we dealt with her confidence issues and fears about her husband. She was then able to maintain her preferred weight as well as becoming stronger in herself.
We started by discussing her feelings about her weight, and about herself when she was slim, what made her feel good or bad and using E.F.T. on all the negative emotions that arose. Before long it came to light that whenever she became slim and started wearing the fashionable clothes she loved, her husband would become unbearably jealous and so she would give up and start to over-eat again.
Using E.F.T. we dealt with her confidence issues and fears about her husband. She was then able to maintain her preferred weight as well as becoming stronger in herself.